Cryptocurrencies on Uniswap v2 (Ethereum) exchange

All 1,102 cryptocurrencies on Uniswap v2 (Ethereum) exchange. View live prices and trading volume of all listings.

Cryptocurrencies Price (desc) 24h trade volume 24h volume
$ 103,820.87
$ 826,473.95
$ 826,473.95
$ 103,820.87
$ 61,643.69
$ 10,271.31
$ 10,271.31
$ 61,643.69
$ 60,611.07
$ 2.70 million
$ 2.70M
$ 60,611.07
$ 60,279.98
$ 31,298.25
$ 31,298.25
$ 60,279.98
$ 6,945.13
$ 2,083.54
$ 2,083.54
$ 6,945.13
$ 6,693.24
$ 27,162.19
$ 27,162.19
$ 6,693.24
473 cVault CORE
$ 5,578.95
$ 24,915.98
$ 24,915.98
$ 5,578.95
892 Pandora Pod pPDRA
$ 4,859.49
$ 4,011.72
$ 4,011.72
$ 4,859.49
$ 3,504.72
$ 3.71 million
$ 3.71M
$ 3,504.72
$ 3,012.79
$ 961,815.12
$ 961,815.12
$ 3,012.79
$ 3,010.01
$ 291.54 million
$ 291.54M
$ 3,010.01
$ 2,936.10
$ 2,467.75
$ 2,467.75
$ 2,936.10
319 Maker MKR
$ 2,659.13
$ 16.86 million
$ 16.86M
$ 2,659.13
27 PAX Gold PAXG
$ 2,300.03
$ 1.92 million
$ 1.92M
$ 2,300.03
$ 1,496.38
$ 3,082.54
$ 3,082.54
$ 1,496.38
108 Asterix ASTX
$ 1,394.28
$ 298,593.81
$ 298,593.81
$ 1,394.28
$ 445.94
$ 2,434.00
$ 2,434.00
$ 445.94
$ 388.26
$ 31,644.39
$ 31,644.39
$ 388.26
142 Wrapped TAO WTAO
$ 387.99
$ 227,458.21
$ 227,458.21
$ 387.99
$ 381.44
$ 235,717.79
$ 235,717.79
$ 381.44
$ 320.55
$ 282,167.32
$ 282,167.32
$ 320.55
427 Gnosis GNO
$ 315.07
$ 31,038.03
$ 31,038.03
$ 315.07
406 DeFrogs DEFROGS
$ 169.94
$ 35,793.09
$ 35,793.09
$ 169.94
829 Sheboshis SHEB
$ 166.77
$ 5,106.54
$ 5,106.54
$ 166.77
724 Monavale MONA
$ 116.67
$ 8,389.32
$ 8,389.32
$ 116.67
464 Quant QNT
$ 100.23
$ 25,772.13
$ 25,772.13
$ 100.23
21 Illuvium ILV
$ 91.92
$ 2.46 million
$ 2.46M
$ 91.92
$ 90.88
$ 28,256.87
$ 28,256.87
$ 90.88
284 Aave AAVE
$ 83.21
$ 73,404.21
$ 73,404.21
$ 83.21
163 Arbius AIUS
$ 81.34
$ 1.15 million
$ 1.15M
$ 81.34
$ 81.09
$ 126,831.75
$ 126,831.75
$ 81.09
592 Veritaseum VERI
$ 79.64
$ 14,362.14
$ 14,362.14
$ 79.64
376 Keep3rV1 KP3R
$ 67.47
$ 45,654.52
$ 45,654.52
$ 67.47
$ 61.67
$ 12,512.85
$ 12,512.85
$ 61.67
117 Compound COMP
$ 53.16
$ 291,121.97
$ 291,121.97
$ 53.16
$ 43.80
$ 3,956.33
$ 3,956.33
$ 43.80
848 Cream CREAM
$ 41.46
$ 4,824.96
$ 4,824.96
$ 41.46
$ 34.44
$ 70,466.66
$ 70,466.66
$ 34.44
25 Banana BANANA
$ 30.73
$ 2.08 million
$ 2.08M
$ 30.73
$ 29.58
$ 10,039.45
$ 10,039.45
$ 29.58
$ 27.28
$ 58,416.05
$ 58,416.05
$ 27.28
272 Taτsu TATSU
$ 25.98
$ 78,649.23
$ 78,649.23
$ 25.98
82 Alchemix ALCX
$ 22.97
$ 499,190.94
$ 499,190.94
$ 22.97
$ 22.48
$ 67,107.29
$ 67,107.29
$ 22.48
$ 21.98
$ 14,624.40
$ 14,624.40
$ 21.98
269 Prophet PROPHET
$ 21.70
$ 79,439.74
$ 79,439.74
$ 21.70
442 Melon MLN
$ 19.96
$ 27,926.78
$ 27,926.78
$ 19.96
$ 19.38
$ 99,829.27
$ 99,829.27
$ 19.38
527 Bird.Money BIRD
$ 18.71
$ 18,700.68
$ 18,700.68
$ 18.71
$ 18.70
$ 872,610.16
$ 872,610.16
$ 18.70
Cryptocurrencies 1,102