Cryptocurrencies on SushiSwap (Ethereum) exchange

All 123 cryptocurrencies on SushiSwap (Ethereum) exchange. View live prices and trading volume of all listings.

Cryptocurrencies Price 24h trade volume 24h volume
$ 93.72
$ 808,883.01
$ 808,883.01
$ 93.72
$ 1.00
$ 557,172.89
$ 557,172.89
$ 1.00
3 Dai DAI
$ 0.998
$ 345,739.30
$ 345,739.30
$ 0.998
$ 21.41
$ 327,563.87
$ 327,563.87
$ 21.41
$ 0.253
$ 300,287.82
$ 300,287.82
$ 0.253
$ 0.985
$ 283,726.80
$ 283,726.80
$ 0.985
$ 0.955
$ 154,814.71
$ 154,814.71
$ 0.955
$ 3,085.53
$ 4.03 million
$ 4.03M
$ 3,085.53
$ 1
$ 143,260.73
$ 143,260.73
$ 1
10 Alchemix ALCX
$ 24.97
$ 124,191.66
$ 124,191.66
$ 24.97
11 Ampleforth AMPL
$ 1.07
$ 123,746.13
$ 123,746.13
$ 1.07
12 Covalent CQT
$ 0.184
$ 122,753.51
$ 122,753.51
$ 0.184
$ 62,769.42
$ 69,446.49
$ 69,446.49
$ 62,769.42
14 Tokemak TOKE
$ 0.810
$ 61,085.38
$ 61,085.38
$ 0.810
$ 0.690
$ 59,920.07
$ 59,920.07
$ 0.690
$ 24.86
$ 57,364.74
$ 57,364.74
$ 24.86
$ 0.0131
$ 55,228.73
$ 55,228.73
$ 0.0131
18 Chainlink LINK
$ 14.06
$ 54,063.11
$ 54,063.11
$ 14.06
$ 1.47
$ 45,713.03
$ 45,713.03
$ 1.47
$ 0.832
$ 45,656.39
$ 45,656.39
$ 0.832
21 Spell Token SPELL
$ 0.000880
$ 43,883.00
$ 43,883.00
$ 0.000880
22 Railgun RAIL
$ 1.33
$ 43,256.25
$ 43,256.25
$ 1.33
$ 2.49
$ 37,724.49
$ 37,724.49
$ 2.49
$ 0.000298
$ 31,840.80
$ 31,840.80
$ 0.000298
$ 0.0185
$ 29,839.54
$ 29,839.54
$ 0.0185
$ 0.00928
$ 29,598.56
$ 29,598.56
$ 0.00928
$ 0.113
$ 24,500.19
$ 24,500.19
$ 0.113
28 Compound COMP
$ 54.27
$ 23,786.98
$ 23,786.98
$ 54.27
$ 113,475.12
$ 22,626.87
$ 22,626.87
$ 113,475.12
30 Pendle PENDLE
$ 5.30
$ 17,783.84
$ 17,783.84
$ 5.30
31 OmniCat OMNI
$ 0.000438
$ 17,620.96
$ 17,620.96
$ 0.000438
32 Cryptex CTX
$ 4.88
$ 16,426.89
$ 16,426.89
$ 4.88
$ 6,849.09
$ 14,903.19
$ 14,903.19
$ 6,849.09
$ 1.35
$ 12,301.30
$ 12,301.30
$ 1.35
$ 0.964
$ 11,577.92
$ 11,577.92
$ 0.964
36 Eden EDEN
$ 0.0928
$ 10,600.06
$ 10,600.06
$ 0.0928
37 Tokenlon LON
$ 0.894
$ 9,657.72
$ 9,657.72
$ 0.894
38 Maker MKR
$ 2,819.28
$ 9,290.65
$ 9,290.65
$ 2,819.28
39 Cream CREAM
$ 43.31
$ 9,160.94
$ 9,160.94
$ 43.31
$ 0.00710
$ 8,598.22
$ 8,598.22
$ 0.00710
$ 1.99
$ 8,040.18
$ 8,040.18
$ 1.99
$ 1.48
$ 7,488.30
$ 7,488.30
$ 1.48
43 Keep3rV1 KP3R
$ 71.50
$ 7,375.06
$ 7,375.06
$ 71.50
$ 2.81
$ 7,151.51
$ 7,151.51
$ 2.81
45 Fantom FTM
$ 0.708
$ 7,088.62
$ 7,088.62
$ 0.708
46 Biconomy BICO
$ 0.468
$ 6,979.91
$ 6,979.91
$ 0.468
47 TerraUSD UST
$ 0.0187
$ 6,160.97
$ 6,160.97
$ 0.0187
$ 6.93
$ 5,685.40
$ 5,685.40
$ 6.93
$ 0.426
$ 5,664.24
$ 5,664.24
$ 0.426
50 Uniswap UNI
$ 7.53
$ 5,129.51
$ 5,129.51
$ 7.53
1 23
Cryptocurrencies 123