Cryptocurrencies on KickEX exchange

All 13 cryptocurrencies on KickEX exchange. View live prices and trading volume of all listings.

Cryptocurrencies Price 24h trade volume 24h volume
1 Bitcoin BTC
$ 64,373
$ 10.31 million
$ 10.31M
$ 64,373
$ 1
$ 15.52 million
$ 15.52M
$ 1
$ 3,145.60
$ 4.97 million
$ 4.97M
$ 3,145.60
$ 0.0232
$ 139,789.46
$ 139,789.46
$ 0.0232
5 Quasa QUA
$ 0.00185
$ 99,009.66
$ 99,009.66
$ 0.00185
$ 501.54
$ 57.80
$ 57.80
$ 501.54
$ 0.0₄0670
$ 20.72
$ 20.72
$ 0.0₄0670
8 Solana SOL
$ 142.72
$ 16.36
$ 16.36
$ 142.72
9 Uservice USRV
$ 0.00787
$ 12.53
$ 12.53
$ 0.00787
10 Zilliqa ZIL
$ 0.0243
$ 4.58
$ 4.58
$ 0.0243
$ 0.940
$ 4.24
$ 4.24
$ 0.940
$ 0.000230
$ 2.51
$ 2.51
$ 0.000230
13 Kishu Inu KISHU
$ 0.0₇0450
$ 2.25
$ 2.25
$ 0.0₇0450
Cryptocurrencies 13